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四川外国语大学“巴别译谭” 第十五讲成功举办

发布时间:2023-05-23 访问次数:


我校与来自西南大学以及华中师范大学的翻译学博士研究生任淑平、郑慢、屈莉莉、Polina Tuliakova分别以“江南制造局翻译馆译著的传播(1868-1897)及其当代价值”、“基于语料库的‘way’构式拓扑翻译整合研究”、“商务印书馆对‘共学社’翻译组织的赞助行为研究”、“The Translation of MeaningfulNames-with Liu Cixin’sThe Three-Body Problemas a Case Study”为题做了精彩的分享。四川外国语大学王祖华副教授出席本次活动,对主讲人的研究内容进行了细致点评,并给出中肯的意见与建议。四川外国语大学博士生张可人主持了本次论坛。

Names in literature works have been a subject of great interest for translation 
theorists, onomasticians and literary scholars. Proper names that are used as 
characterizing devices 111 literary texts become a meaningful element in the texture and 
can be endowed with an extra semantic load (Manini:1996). Badea (2013:444) notes that 
literary onomastics and the four-dimensional nature of proper names (semantic, 
sociolinguistic, graphic and phonetic), the place given to proper names in different 
paratexts and cultural references sometimes require paratextual explanations or 're- 
active' translation creations. The researcher highlights that, the (in)translatability of 
literary proper names created by writers refers not only to different levels of translation 
analysis, but also to the matter of proper name semantics (descriptive, modified, mixed 
etc.). Bramwell comes up with the same conclusion that personal name can give instant 
information about social background, culture, language and even religion, as well as 
identifying the bearer as a particular individual (Bramwell, 2012).

