讲座一开始,黄教授便饱含深情地介绍了他所工作的城市——青海西宁,回顾了西宁在丝绸之路的重要性以及历史变迁,黄教授的文化修养和博闻强识,让现场的同学钦佩不已。随后,他以口译和笔译的差别作为切入点,引出了本次讲座的话题“翻译的技术含量及尺度”。并从文本类、表情类、呼唤类等类型的文字中分析译文的翻译技巧和特点,同时列举了现实生动的例子来解释实践翻译中的处理方法。在讲到关于翻译技术难度时,黄教授提到张培基翻译的15种技巧与国外翻译研究者Mona Baker所述的翻译技巧之间的联系和差别。黄教授的报告声情并茂,兴起之余,他情不自禁的演唱了一首德英互译的小夜曲,让同学们感受了翻译的美妙之处,赢得众师生的阵阵掌声,把现场氛围推向了高潮。最后,黄教授谈到了自己最近研究的重点并向同学们提到了自己关于直译与意译的界限的相关问题。
Translation Skills and Shift in Translation
On Oct 11, 2011, Mr. Huang Shaozheng,Associate Professor of Qinghai Normal University, made a lecture on “translation skills and shift in translation” for students and teachers of College of Interpretation and Translation (CIT). As a senior translator with rich experience and a scholar always ready to challenge the existing theories on translation, Huang came all the way from Qinghai, demonstrating his evident delight in sharing his experience and ideas on translation with students and teachers in SISU. Prof. Zhu Chaowei, dean of CIT., hosted the lecture. All the students and teachers present were impressed by Prof. Huang’s sense of humor and his profound knowledge. Prof. Yang Quanhong and many postgraduates attended the lecture.
Prof. Huang commenced by introducing Qinghai with deep affection and talked about its historical importance both in history and in its geographical position, all indicating his profound knowledge and impressively good memory. He proceeded to talk about the differences between interpretation and translation, convincing with carefully selected examples the audience that an idiomatic translation lies in the proper use of translation skills.
“The seemingly tough job of translation will be a piece of cake for a translator who is competent on the linguistic and cultural levels, and always ready to learn and compare,” he said when talking about the difficulties in translation. Citing Prof. Zhang Peiji and the renowned British translation scholar Mona Baker, he proved to all those present the importance of practice and the proper use of translation skills. Excited by the students’ warm response and applause, he even sang a serenade to show how a professional translator should weigh his words to convey the beauty and meaning of the original in translating foreign songs into Chinese.
Prof. Zhu encouraged the students to engage themselves actively in translation practice when commenting on Huang’s speech. “A good translator can be trained. If you are willing to read more, practice more and compare more, and finally you will sure do well! Trust me!” he said, asking the students to learn from Prof. Huang’s experience and readiness to explore.