2011年10月14日下午1点半,翻译学院首届(2010级)翻译硕士 (MTI)毕业论文开题答辩会在四川外语学院东区培英楼3楼举行。本次开题答辩共分为五个答辩小组,分别由李芳琴教授、杨全红教授、祝朝伟教授、沈彤教授、陶丽霞教授担任答辩小组组长,全体MTI2010级毕业生参加论文开题答辩。
The CIT Held the First MTI Thesis Proposal Meeting
On the afternoon of October 14, 2011, the first MTI (Master of Translation and Interpretation) thesis proposal meeting was held on the third floor of Peiying Building of SISU. Five thesis proposal advisory groups were headed by Professor Li Fangqin, Yang Quanhong, Zhu Chaowei, Shen Tong and Tao Lixia. All of the MTI students in Grade 2010 took part in the meeting.
Based on the provisions made by the National MTI Education Committee, the College of Interpretation and Translation, SISU has prepared concrete and orientation-specific documents for the smooth going of this meeting, consulting with experts and taking their advices. According to the documents, an MTI student who is to write a degree thesis, can have an option of three: a translation project report, a research paper or a publication, each with specific requirements.
During the thesis proposal, the teachers and professors present raised questions about the students’ thesis proposals and offered them advice for revision. The students answered each of these questions attentively and accepted the advice with an open mind. The meeting strengthened their confidence in writing their theses and paved the way for the successful completion of their work.